Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rise of the Guardians: Simply Magical

IN SEARCH OF an unknown past and questions surrounding Jack Frost’s special ability offers an impressive background to this yet another spell-binding animated film. Playful yet troubled about the existence of his special powers, Jack Frost is blessed with the ability to freeze anything he wishes to turn into ice through his staff. But he is also an interpretation of disconnect.

In the opening scene complete with graphical magic, viewers would, first, be amazed with how Jack Frost marveled at his newly-found powers, albeit his problem of being invisible. Your heart would surely go out for him each time passes through his spectral frame, signifying children didn't notice his existence.

As action progresses, the back story of how Jack Frost gained his special abilities take shape. Adding spice to the greatly-woven story is that he is about to join the elite league of the Guardians, an honest-to-goodness group with members delicately chosen by a certain Man in the Moon. This alliance is best described through the words of North when he explained their mission to Jack Frost: “We go by many names and take many forms. We bring wonder and hope. We bring joy and dreams. We are the Sandman and the Tooth Fairy. We are the Easter Bunny and Santa. And our powers are greater than you ever imagine. It is our job to protect the children of the world. For as long as they believe in us, we will guard them with our lives.”

Image Courtesy of Dreamworks

As he battles with the past that troubles him, Jack Frost sealed an alliance with the Guardians in its sacred mission to defeat Pitch Black, or the bogeyman, who is mustering all his efforts to destroy childhood dreams and replace them with nightmares and darkness. 

While the film offers the usual recipe of a film thriller, the Rise of the Guardians is undoubtedly an outstanding film made more colorful with the colorful lessons of courage and faith. Fun to watch especially with popcorns and soda, the Rise of the Guardians offers an alliance like that of The Avengers but you would also see unique aspects that make this movie a stunner. 

Watching the movie would make you connect with Jack Frost’s character. You will find yourself in him: full of questions, doubtful, troubled with the past—elements of teenage angst. When pressed with woes that seem insurmountable, we often quite ask ourselves why we, with billions of people in the world, have to carry the burdens of problems taking shape in many forms. Despite of it all, we managed to dash ourselves up to the finish line, unleashed our abilities and brought out the “goodness” lurking inside of us. Jack Frost did that. So did we. We rise up to the challenge, we danced to the ballad of our times. It also tackles faith and the power of believing. Talking to a child, Jack Frost uttered a succinct dose of faith: Do you stop believing in the moon just because the sun comes up? 

Upon exiting the movie theater where I had just seen the Rise of the Guardians on that humid Bonifacio day, I thought of watching it again. Why not? The movie was simply magical in its entirety. It’s both entertaining and spine-tingler, enough for me to look forward to yet another spell-binding sequel. 


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